This is exactly what we did with one of our key customers - Material Lab Dubai which is part of the S. S. Lootah Group in the UAE. Material lab already have a 25KN Tinius Olsen that can test non-civil materials and applications, but they went a step further and established a Petroleum testing Lab with equipment supplied by out Petroleum testing division. The non-civil materials testing using Tinius Olsen is for the following applications:
- Plastics - Tensile and Flexural testing to ASTM D638, ASTM D790, ASTM D882, ASTM D624, BS2782, BS903, ISO527, ISO2439, ISO 8627 and other industry specific standards.
- Rubber - ASTM D412, ASTM D624, BS 903, ISO 34, ISO 37 and other industry
specific standards. - Water-proofing membranes and PVC water-stops - BS 6319 Part 7, ASTM D 412, ASTM D 638, BS 2782 – Method 320E & F, and UEATC test method. Other standards include ASTM D1004, ASTM C836 and
ASTM E154. See my separate post on testing water-proofing membranes here.
- Geotextile testing to ASTM D4632, ASTM D4533, ASTM D4833, and ASTM D6241. See my separate post on Geo-textile testing here.
- Mortar Briquette tensile to BS 6319: Part 7
- Unconfined Compressive strength of Intact Rock cores and Soil to ASTM D2938 and ASTM D4543.

- ASTMColor Comparator - ASTMD1500, FTM 791-102
- Kinematic Viscosity - ASTM D445, D446, D2170, D2532
- Reid Vapor Pressure - ASTM D323, D1267, DIN 51616
- Saybolt Color - ASTM D156, DIN 51411
- Saybolt Viscosity - ASTM D88, E102, D244
- Copper Strip Corrosion - ASTMD130, FTM 791-5325
- Foaming Characteristics - ASTM
D892, DIN 51566, etc...
- Oxidation stability
- Interfacial Tension (IFT) and (SFT)
- Dielectric constant Tan delta and Resistivity Test
- Oil Test Set
Team Leader - Industrial Materials Testing
Engineering Products Division
PO Box - 96241,
Dubai, UAE
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