Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tensile testing of flexible plasticyne products to ASTM D638

The following article demonstrates the diversity of the Universal testing machines manufactured by Tinius Olsen.

Recently we were approached by a leading Plastics packing company - RAK Petropack in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE to provide a testing solution for their plastics lab.

We supplied them with a complete testing solution as detailed below:
  1. Tensile testing for flexible plastic sheets from 100 to 150 microns thick,
  2. 90 degree Peel Testing with moving Base Sledge,
  3. Coefficient of friction testing to ASTM D1894/ BS 2782 Part 8
  4. Falling dart Impact Test,
  5. Haze and Gloss measurement
  6. Other instruments such as ovens, weighing scales and thermometers.

The following video is a demonstration of a live sample being tested:

For more details contact:

Saifullah Mohammed,
Sales Engineer
Sigma Enterprises LLC
Instrumentation division
Tel - +9714 8851828
Fax - +9714 8851628
Mobile - +97150 4552910
Email -

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